Dev Nuggets Blog

My Journey Begins

Hello there 👋

After becoming tired of working in a job for which I have no interest, I have finally decided to go after the thing I have wanted the most. Working in the field of software development. Over the next 20 weeks my goal is to become as good at software development as I can with the hopes of being hired as a software developer. Doggy Dev I am currently a student who is coming back to school a little later on in life. I will be going into the field of Computer Engineering. My goal once I graduate is to get into the field of Embedded systems. In the mean time I have about 20 weeks until my next semester starts.

As someone who is married, and has a family to support I have decided I do not want to wait until I graduate to become a developer. I have chosen frontend web-development as place to start, and I will be documenting my experience here on this blog.

From 0 to Dev

As someone who can be a bit stubborn and thick sometimes, I want to take you with me on my journey to becoming a frontend web-developer. I also plan on sharing any useful information I find with you as well as the resources that were most helpful. I hope that my experience will help someone not make the same mistakes I will inevitably make.